Southern Baptist Convention Resolution on Adoption and Orphan Care
Adoption Voices is a wonderful website that I recently found out about and joined. It is a place where you can get more information on adoption and adoption related topics. That’s where I found out about this resolution.
The Southern Baptist Convention resolution states:
“WHEREAS, In the Gospel we have received the “Spirit of adoption” whereby we are no longer spiritual orphans but are now beloved children of God and joint heirs with Christ (John 14:18; Romans 8: 12-25; Galatians 3: 27-4:9; Ephesians 1:5); and
“WHEREAS, The God we now know as our Father reveals himself as a “father of the fatherless” (Psalm 72: 12-14), and shows us that we will be held accountable for our response to “the least of these brothers of mine” (Matthew 25: 40); and
WHEREAS, The satanic powers and the ravages of sin have warred against infants and children from Pharaoh to Molech to Herod and, now through the horrors of a divorce culture, an abortion industry, and the global plagues of disease, starvation, and warfare; and
WHEREAS, Upward of 150 million orphans now languish without families in orphanages, group homes, and placement systems in North America and around the world;”
The SBC has
“RESOLVED, That we call on each Southern Baptist family to pray for guidance as to whether God is calling them to adopt or foster a child or children; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we encourage our pastors and church leaders to preach and teach on God’s concern for orphans; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we encourage local churches to champion the evangelism of and ministry to orphans around the world, and to seek out ways to energize Southern Baptists behind this mission; and be it further……
RESOLVED, That we pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit on Southern Baptist congregations so that our churches will proclaim and picture, in word and in deed, that “Jesus love the little children, all the children of the world.”
It was so huge to me when I read about this resolution on someones blog in Adoption Voices. I'm glad I joined. If I hadn't, I never would have heard about it. My church is a part of the Association of Southern Baptists. It is an encouragement to me that they are challenging churches to start orphan care ministries and christians to adopt.
If you want to read the entire resolution, click right here-
I'm IMPRESSED! I'm so glad I found your blog - from Moscow Mom's. I have asked the pastor if I can start an orphan ministry here at our [Catholic] church... Not very common, but I feel called to it.
Also make sure you check out Adopted For Life by Russell D. Moore who I believe is a part of that denomination as well. It's an AWESOME book.
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