Future of Ukraine Orphans (double click for full view, turn off music below)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Adoption is not just for childless couples anymore

In 2003, I went on my first mission trip to Ukraine and visited an orphanage there for the first time. After the third mission trip, I was beginning to hear God's heart for orphans and recorded in my journal that I wanted to do something to help orphans. In an effort to do that, I turned to the Internet and stumbled upon the blog world. The first blog I read was Kristina's Story. Reading blogs has began a journey for me. Where it is leading me, I'm still not sure. I know it is a path that God is laying piece by piece before my eyes. Since then, I have read many blogs by adopting couples and the majority of them are couples with children.

Another part of the journey is reading books. I have posted about Tom Davis' Fields of the Fatherless. In this book, Tom states, "If only 7 % of professing Christians around the world responded, every single orphan in the world would have a home". He also quotes John Piper as describing adoption as the 'visible gospel'. According to Ephesians 1: 5 we've all been adopted into God's family. He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will.

November 8th is Orphan Sunday. I encourage all readers to pray about promoting Orphan Sunday in your church. There are free downloadable resources at http://www.orphansunday.org/.

You can also order hard copies of the material. They have posters, fliers, bulletin inserts, as well as, sermon notes and small group Bible study material.

In a little more than a week, my family and I will return for our second mission trip together. Please pray for us as we make final preparations As we make the trip, please pray that we will clearly hear God's voice concerning orphans and orphan care. There are some links on the right of the page to blogs of adopting families. You can learn many details about the process of adoption through reading their blogs.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Help Wanted

My family and I are going to Ukraine on a mission trip in October. We have been working on Bible lessons and crafts. Does anyone out there have any Ukranian children's music that would be suitable for a backyard bible club or know where I order music from. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

SBC Resoultion on Adoption and Orphan Care

Southern Baptist Convention Resolution on Adoption and Orphan Care
Adoption Voices is a wonderful website that I recently found out about and joined. It is a place where you can get more information on adoption and adoption related topics. That’s where I found out about this resolution.
The Southern Baptist Convention resolution states:
“WHEREAS, In the Gospel we have received the “Spirit of adoption” whereby we are no longer spiritual orphans but are now beloved children of God and joint heirs with Christ (John 14:18; Romans 8: 12-25; Galatians 3: 27-4:9; Ephesians 1:5); and
“WHEREAS, The God we now know as our Father reveals himself as a “father of the fatherless” (Psalm 72: 12-14), and shows us that we will be held accountable for our response to “the least of these brothers of mine” (Matthew 25: 40); and
WHEREAS, The satanic powers and the ravages of sin have warred against infants and children from Pharaoh to Molech to Herod and, now through the horrors of a divorce culture, an abortion industry, and the global plagues of disease, starvation, and warfare; and
WHEREAS, Upward of 150 million orphans now languish without families in orphanages, group homes, and placement systems in North America and around the world;”

The SBC has
“RESOLVED, That we call on each Southern Baptist family to pray for guidance as to whether God is calling them to adopt or foster a child or children; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we encourage our pastors and church leaders to preach and teach on God’s concern for orphans; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we encourage local churches to champion the evangelism of and ministry to orphans around the world, and to seek out ways to energize Southern Baptists behind this mission; and be it further……
RESOLVED, That we pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit on Southern Baptist congregations so that our churches will proclaim and picture, in word and in deed, that “Jesus love the little children, all the children of the world.”

It was so huge to me when I read about this resolution on someones blog in Adoption Voices. I'm glad I joined. If I hadn't, I never would have heard about it. My church is a part of the Association of Southern Baptists. It is an encouragement to me that they are challenging churches to start orphan care ministries and christians to adopt.
If you want to read the entire resolution, click right here- www.sbc.net/resolution.asp?ID=1194

Thursday, July 9, 2009

All Adoptive Families Go Share Your Story at OrphansDeserveBetter.org

Christian Alliance For Orphans has launched a new website called Orphans Deserve Better in response to Warner Bros. new movie, Orphan. On this website, you can sign a pettition to ask Warner Bros. to contribute a portion of the proceeds to orphaned children, read facts about orphans in the world, watch a video message, find out how you can serve, and share your story of adoption. The petition states, "The film delivers a distorted picture of the difficulty and pain these children often carry. It also sells short the great love the so often return to those who reach out to them with care and compassion. We assume that you did not intend this, and we recognize that the film could be described as a far-fetched thriller. But the power of such a film to subtly shape attitudes and perspectives remains. In that regard, the movie Orphan, does no favors to the many children who share its name. For the sake of the world's more than 140 million orphans, people deserve to know better. They should have an honest understanding of the deep needs orphans face- as well as the satisfaction and beauty that can be found in embracing orphans as a mentor or adopted family, foster parent or nonprofit volunteer."

Please visit the website to share your story and sign the petition. www.orphansdeservebetter.org

Friday, July 3, 2009

That's What I'm Talking About

For over a year now, I have been following the Fumia family on their jouney to adopt their son from Ukraine. His picture is over on my side bar. They have the visa they need to get Grisha into the country and will be coming home Monday! Praise the Lord! It has been a long, emotional journey, but God has provided for them, making a way where there seemed to be no way.

Recently, I read a post on Ashley's blog and I wanted people who read my blog to read it also. Here is a portion of that post.

" There are so many things I want to tell you about the children. There are more pictures I want to share. I need to get my feelings straightened out and I just feel I can't do that right now. I have seen so much since I have been here. I won't publicly share it all, but I do thank God for opening my eyes more to the reality of these childrens' fate. Sometimes it is too hard for me to even see so I avoid it. I shouldn't do that, but the pain hurts. I do not like camp and I do not like going there. Usually I wouldn't go because the bus ride makes me sick going all the way out there. Plus, there are so many days I have had to rest and not go. But, I also just don't like it at all. The spirits at this camp are so heavy that sometimes it is hard for me to breathe. I have never felt anything like it. Just being in the presence of this camp, makes me feel horrible and depressed. Even though the internat is not a great place, the camp is worse. I know there are things that go on in the orphanage, but I have seen so much more bad things going on at this camp. I will sit and just observe everything around me and I want to be sick. What these children need are families. It is wonderful that mission teams come and teach them about Jesus, because they are planting those seeds. Children get saved and this is important because what matters most is their souls and where they will spend eternity. I thank God for the missionaries that have been there for my son through the years. I thank God for the example they have set and the time they have given him. They didn't have to do this, but they did. They love the children and care about them. As I watch these children, they love having this attention. They eat it up and hang all over the people that are loving on them. They need this and they crave it. Children with bad behaviors instantly turn good and are well behaved. But, then the people leave and I see the behavior that they had before come back. They are doing drugs, beating each other up, being mean to little kids, drinking, smoking, and much more that you probably don't even want to know. Why is this? They have just been taught about Jesus and may have even accepted him as their Savior. They have hope now in Christ that they didn't have before. Why do they turn back to this lifestyle? I want to say that I am not against mission teams AT ALL!!! Please do not misunderstand or twist my words here. I love missions and I have a heart for missions. I want mission teams to keep coming here. The time that they are here, the children are happy. They are not doing as many bad things and I love seeing the smiles on their faces. Some of the kids I had not seen a smile from them in weeks and then a mission team will come and they can't stop smiling. It makes me happy. There is a mission team that are my friends and I love them very, very much. They do wonders with these kids and even the hardest of hearts soften when they are here. They look forward every single summer for these people to come. If you mention one of their names when they are not here, the children's faces lighten up. They adore these people that come. The kids truly love them. What I am talking about is getting the children out of the situation they are in and bringing them into Christian homes. They need a family. The reality is not good for them if they don't get adopted. When I say "not good" their outcome is even worse than not good. Please watch the video that my friend Leslie made. I will post it in this post.I can even see it in the behaviors in my son. When he is with us, he is much different and a better person. But, when he goes back to the environment or spends time with certain kids from there, he changes. It's like he needs to be this tough guy that has to survive. He has had to be that way his whole life and when he goes back there, he is in that mindset of orphanage life. When he is with us, he doesn't need to be that way and he sees that. When these children are removed, that is when they can grow and become the person they are meant to be. That is when their families can lead them to understand how to walk with Christ. They learn how to behave and function in society. They no longer have to try and survive in a place where there is no mom and dad to hold them. They need moms and dads. They can't change overnight. They have had to live a certain way for years. But when they are placed in a home, you see changes every day and it is so rewarding. You see little by little, who they were meant to be all along. They don't even know who they are and how they are supposed to be. And as you watch your child change, you change even more. I am sure I have more to say, but I have two boys in my bedroom begging for my attention. I need to go. I can't wait to see how these 2 boys will be 10 years from now....10 months from now...10 weeks from now...and even 10 days from now... Grisha and Alex will be great men of God. Two families obeyed and came for these boys. Now they can have the life they were meant to have. They have the chance. God is telling all of us to take care of orphans. Every day I see God's heart more and more when I look at these children. Will you allow Him to use you in the life of a child? "Pure and undefiled religion before God our Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James 1:27I apologize that youtube has taken the song off of Leslie's video. It is the song called, "Remember Me" by Mark Shultz. "

If you want to see the video click on this link to Ashley's blog. I encourage you to click the link and read all about their adoption journey.

Monday, June 29, 2009

"A New Social Network For All Things Adoption"

Mama Poruski at Slava Bogu! is involved in starting Adoption Voices, a new website for families who have adoptedor are thinking about it. She describes it in this post, http://jerdebwalker.blogspot.com/2009/06/adoption-voices.html . She is helping to get this forum started. It is a wonderful site where you can post blogs. You should check this site out if you are interested in adoption or if you have adopted and you want to help others through the process, connect with other families, or share your experience/expertise. This is such a great resource that I can not acurately describe it, so please go check it out.
To visit Adoption Voices click here.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Remembering My Mom

Every Mother's Day, I take some time to remember my mom. She was a quiet person. She was very crafty and made me a few clothes, including dresses and short outfits. (You know, a top, and a pair of shorts.) She never put much anger and strength in to disciplining us, as if her heart was not in it. She always encouraged me to do my best and that I could do anything if I put my all into it. She also made sure I went to Girl Scouts every week. She never told me what her hopes and dreams for me were, but I think that she wanted me to be a strong, brave woman. Girl Scouts did a lot for my character. I use to be extremely shy and self conscious, but as God has changed my life and I'm no longer afraid of my shadow, I have discovered an adventurous side of my personality. And I can see how Girl Scouts helped me, too. My mom must have loved children, since she and my dad had five together. At a time when many women were choosing to enter the work force (or needed to), my mom decided that she wanted to stay at home. For a while, she worked at the cotton mill. She cut her finger almost all the way off on one of the machines. That could have contributed to her decision.

She did an awesome job taking care of the house and our family. She always made us great meals. My favorite meal was fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans. The mashed potatoes were real potatoes and she actually used a potato masher. The green beans were from my uncles farm, which we helped to snap and she then spent her time canning. She made us biscuits almost every night for supper. I have never learned to make them. I tried once when I was first married, but they were hard as bricks and my husband laughed at me. I have never forgiven him (ha ha) and have never even tried to do it again. She also made us pancakes from scratch every Saturday. Many days of the week she would cook us eggs and bacon for breakfast before we went to school. My all time favorite thing about my mom was the homemade birthday cake. On every birthday, we got to choose what kind of cake we wanted. (This is a time when cakes and sweets were not given often. The cake actually used to be the best part of the party.)She made the cake from scratch and if you wanted she could also make the icing. I always like devil's food cake. Chocolate cake and chocolate icing. It might not seem like much to some people, but this was usually the only gift we received. (all we could afford) I felt so loved when she made me that birthday cake. She took her time and did that just for me. In a group of five, you felt pretty special on your birthday. The great thing about having one sister and three brothers, is an instant party. I remember one time when my sister made up party game for us. That is a special memory that will always stand out. Funny thing is, lately, I've been wishing I would have had more children.

Even when she was sick with cancer, my mom used to get up and wake us up. She would do what she could and then go back to bed. All she had to do was say my name and some how I just sat straight upright in the bed, instantly awake. It was a marked memory when I started waking up by an alarm. My mom had always been there to do things that I took for granted and it was really hard to face each day with the stark reminder of her absence.

My mom died when I was fourteen. I still remember that day very well. It was late April and raining. She fell and we had to call the ambulance. They put a sheet over her face to shield her from the rain when they took her out on the stretcher. She was not comfortable with that, but that's what they did. I remember staring at her, trying to say the words, 'I love you', but I didn't want her to know I was upset. Consequently, for years after, I had dreams of trying to get to her to tell her something important. I still remember one that I had over and over. In the dream, we were living in a different house that had french doors. I would search all over for her and end up at those doors. I could see her in there at the table at her sewing machine making something. I would bang on the door and try to open them, but I never got in and she never looked up. For some reason, she could not hear me.

I know that my mom knew that I loved her. I just wish that I would have spent more time showing her through respect and being helpful. The older you get the more you appreciate your mom. If you still have your mom, take time to mend your relationship. Like a friend of mine says, "Build a bridge and get over it." I'm not trying to make light of painful situations. But like the Judd's said, "Love can build a bridge between your heart and mine. Love can build a bridge, don't you think it's time, don't you think it's time."

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all moms!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lifesong For Orphans

I want to provide more information about Lifesong For Orphans, so that people who are interested in giving will understand what organization they are giving to.

Currently, Lifesong is working with children in orphanages in India, Zambia, and Ukraine. They have programs in which churches can sign up to adopt an orphanage and provide for children living there. Churches can also start an adoption fund with their help. Lifesong has built transition homes in Ukraine. So that children, who age out of the orphanage at 16 years old, have somewhere safe to go. Lifesong also provides 'A Constant Christian Presence' in these homes.

They provide adoption grants and loans to adopting parents. At least a couple of people, who's blogs I read have received matching grants from Lifesong. This is a program, in which, they match dollar for dollar what you raise. You can visit their website for more information. I have created a link to their site on this page on the right hand side. Click on the name and it will take you there.

Lifesong is endorsed by Family Life President, Dennis Rainey. Lifesong is a member of the Christian Alliance for Orphans and the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. A 100 percent of donations to Lifesong goes directly to the children.

Lifesong's Pledge:

Our Children will have:

No want for food, clothing , medical care, shelter

Fundamental Christian Training and discipleship

Quality Education

Continued Love and support as they transition into adult living

Their Method:

Seek to mobilize the churh, His body, where each member can provide a unique and special service: Some to adopt, Some to care, and Some to give.

2 Corinthians 8: 13-14

For this is not for the ease of others and for your affliction, but by way of equality- at this present time your abundance is being a supply for their need, so that their abundance also may become a supply for your need, that there may be equality.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Reflecting on Easter

He was dispised and rejected of man, a man of sorrows and aquainted with grief. Upon Him was laid the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:
In preparing for Easter and practicing with the drama team at church.
I was really reminded that Jesus allowed mere man to hit Him in the face, spit on Him, laugh at and mock Him. Beat Him until flesh and muscle were destroyed and then nail Him to the cross. Yet He is God's only Son, fully God, fully man. The Chief Cornerstone.
John 1:3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.
14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory... He is the actual Word of God
All authority has been given to Him
Col. 1:16, 17 ...all things were created through Him and for Him He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
Chris Tomlin is right there is no God like our God. He put Himself on the cross. To suffer for the created.
I can not praise Him enough.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Why Should I Give

For all of those out there who are thinking about giving, I have been looking for a way to illustrate the needs of orphans and why it is so important to help children a world away. Recently, I was catching up on some blog reading and came across the perfect inspiration. The story of a sweet girl and her family. I am humbled by their dedication and obedience to the Lord by adopting Karina. You can read their story here. Please click on the link and read this post.
Psalm 68: 5-6a A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation. God sets the lonely in families

You Guys Are Great!!!!!!!!!

Thank you to Ann Marie, Jimmie and Steve who have given to Ukraine orphans. The lives are children that you've never met will be better because you gave.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

World Crafts Village Dot Com

Isn't this a beautiful pillow? I just found out about this great site where you purchase items made by hand from all over the world. It is a nonprofit ministry that works with artisan groups in various countries. This pillow was made by an artist in Sri Lanka. People in this country are still being effected by the tsunami of 2004. Many of them still live in temporary housing, since their government will not allow them to rebuild within 100 meters of the ocean. Through relief efforts, they have received sewing machines. This is just one story behind one pillow. Go check out this site for unique, handmade gifts or items to decorate your home. There's lots of items, even stuff for kids.
Click on this link to go there. www.worldcraftvillage.com

Monday, March 2, 2009

More Snow Pictures

Snow!! In March!!! I Can't Believe It!

We woke up to a big surprise this morning! When ever they say it's going to snow we never believe them. We ended up getting 2 to 4 inches. It never snows this late in North Carolina. Someone forgot that this is the Southeast. Even though we homeschool, we took a day off. The teacher needs a day off every now and then. And I don't won't to drive them crazy. We work pretty hard at keeping our schedule. How about you? Did you get any snow in your area?

More Pictures of Our Puppy

His name is Rocky

Our New Addition

For Christmas, my kids decided they wanted a puppy.
Isn't he cute? He sure eats a lot. Since Christmas, he's grown quite a bit. My son is really doing well with the responsibility. I'm so excited about that, because, in the past, good ol' mom has been the one to get up early in the morning to walk the canine. He's pretty smart and he keeps us entertained. I'm less concerned that the kids will get bored. A concern of some homeschooling parents who's kids are home a lot. They have extracurricular activities often, but they do get tired of being home. A pet is a great way to learn to be responsible for another living thing. Now, if I could just get my daughter to be more enthusiastic about the not so fun parts of having a dog. :-)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Gleanings From the Fields

Fields of the Fatherless that is.
I'm currently reading this book by Tom Davis.
In Chapter Two, Tom starts out talking about how some people tell him that Jesus said that we will always have the poor with us. (I believe He said that when He was anointed with oil, and the woman wiped it with her hair.) I love how he is just so frank in this book. (I've realized that if I'm gonna do much advocating for orphans, I'm gonna have to do some of that. Not so easy for a recovering people-pleaser, yes-man, ah woman.)
Tom's response, "Hmm...is that supposed to be some kind of acceptable excuse to go about our lives in comparative luxury while the rest of the world starves on less than a dollar a day?"
Wow, how many times have I used excuses to not do anything when faced with knowledge like that (people in need around the world).
They seem to just automatically pop into the brain, excuses that is.

"Once the words of Scripture are illuminated, the truth of what they say doesn't allow me to make excuses. This issue of how to treat the poor is something we have to pay attention to." Tom writes.
He goes on to quote Deuteronomy 15:7-11.
In that passage, God says, "If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother." v.7 The next verse he pulls out is
Matthew 10:8 Freely you have received, freely give.
Tom asks, "What do the fatherless look like today?"
He gives examples. Among them are these:
The grandma who lost her husband ten years ago and spends her days watching soap operas. The unruly little boy in your child's class who keeps getting moved from foster home to foster home. The little girl who in Africa who has to sell her body for a loaf of bread because she's starving to death. The prostitute in Russia who knows no other way to live because both of her parents died and nobody would take her in."
Do you have any to add. If you comment and leave some I'll share them in my next post.
Some of mine...
An eleven yr. old boy in prison for stealing because he was hungry and living on the street. His mom threw him out because all she cares about is her new boyfriend and alcohol.
A fourteen yr. old boy living in a sewer to stay warm, selling himself just so he can eat.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

God's Heart for the Orphan

Recently, I have been convinced of God's plan and decided in my heart to be faithful as He unfolds His plan to advocate for orphans. I am also discovering God's heart for the orphan.

My daily devotion led me to Jeremiah chapter 5. I was really hoping to be led to another passage to read, since Jeremiah is the weeping prophet. It is a book filled with warnings about unfaithfulness and turning from God.

Jeremiah 5:28
They are fat, they are sleek,
They also excel in deeds of wickedness;
They do not plead the cause,
The cause of the orphan, that they may prosper,
And they do not defend the rights of the poor.

Isaiah 1:23
They do not defend the orphan

Zechariah 7:10
and do not oppress the widow or the orphan

Jeremiah 22: 3b
And do not mistreat or do violence to the stranger, the orphan, or the widow

Proverbs 23: 10-11
Do not move the ancient boundary
or go into the fields of the fatherless
For their Redeemer is strong;
He will plead their case against you

God must be serious about giving aide to the orphan and not harming them.
I know that no matter what I can not give up on this endeavor to aide the orphan.
It is not such an easy journey. I have been easily discouraged. God's word is always there to confirm and comfort. For instance, right before this passage in Jeremiah, I read:
Isaiah 66: 7-9a
Before she travailed, she brought forth;
Before her pain came, she gave birth to a boy.
Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things?
Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forthall at once?
... "Shall I bring to the point of birth and not give delivery?", says the Lord.

This is going to be difficult. This aspiration to advocate is going to be tough. It's gonna take courage. I thought of this post by Dr. David. I must be willing to press through the pain. Because their is no stopping, their is no turning back.
You parents who are adopting, you can't stop and you can't turn back. The ones you desire to give a home, love, yourself to, you know their pain. It has become your pain. Push through the pain, because at the end their is love and happiness, healing and strength, joy and hope.
Don't give up. The hurtles seem high, God is higher.